Monday, August 30, 2010

Japan train Afghan Police in Turkey

The Japanese government will sent a police officer to Turkey to train Afghan police. This project will be carried out in cooperation with Turkish government. They are aim to improve security in Afghanistan but truly, the government of Japan have been looking for ways to continue support Western secret operation in Afghanistan. Japanese police will teach Afghan police about hot to do crime lab, fight drug trafficking and set up koban system and his government hope to start this operation in the early of autumn. In last year, Japanese government promised to give 5 billion dollars to replace the Indian Ocean mission. This plan will help Afghanistan stabilize in finical. Normally, Indonesia is one of the country for training Afghan police. Although, they prepared not good enough to be a head of this project, so Turkey government chosen Japan to train a Afghan police.

   In my opinion, I think this operation will help Afghanistan to protect their people from terrorist, and it also decreases crime in Afghanistan. 

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