Sunday, August 1, 2010

New advertising in train

The Japanese advertisers companies have started the ability to display moving in avertiseing area of the train it called paper advertisments.The new ad first public is a new mascara from Lancome. It use a new tecnology called electronic paper. It allows paper to rewriten repeatedly ,and it makes a image changing.In some Japanese train station are now use this paper to advertise in many ads and it very useful because it can regresh with new images of ads and it also reduce an ads paper ,so it can help the world to stop groble warming. But every new techonoly have problem. The main problem for electronic paper is it cannot creat moving color image. The only image can move is black and white images but the publsh show that people love to watch this new electronic paper than color ads.

    In my opinion, I think this new technology will change the way of advertising in the future because it very creative and it is attractive to people.  

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