Monday, August 30, 2010

Hanshin Engei start to sell Koshien dirt

The gardening company in Hyogo Prefecture product the dirt which use in Koshien field. It is called "Koshien-style dirt". The Hanshin Engei company who preserve the Koshien field at Koshien Stadium in Nishinomiya, this site is use for national high school baseball championship. They began selling their product on 1st Aug. This product is called "Hanshin Engei groundskeeper's dirt" and it is the same dirt that use in Koshien Stadium. One of their customer wonder that how many bag of dirt that would cover all the baseball field. It used 28,000 bags which cost 2,310 yen for each bag.
This dirt have 60% of black soil and 40% of sand ,and both of them from Kagoshima Prefecture. Hanshin Engei began to advise this dirt to high school three year ago because they believe that their product will help to create good environment to play baseball and it also help baseball player have concentrate while they play at Koshien Stadium.

In conclusion, I think this dirt is very interesting to invest in because I believe that many high school baseball team will buy it because it can help player concentrate when play at Koshien.

Toyota recall their car

    Toyota is one of the most famous Motor Corp in the world. It is a Japanese band. Toyota band is very famous because their product are reasonable price, and their car have a high performance.

Last week, Toyota recall their cars, about 1.13 million Corolla and Matrix cars, because it has a problem with the engine that can cause cars to stall in any speed without warning. They will recall the model years 2005 to 2008 in the U.S. and Canada because they received at least three report from car accidents. John Hanson said he does not know what the recall will cost to the company. The recall includes about 162,000 hatchbacks. Furthermore, Toyota set their goal to ensure people that there are feel safe in a car.

In conclusion, I think Toyota will lost a lot of money for this recall because they need to fix a lot of car and they will lost their reputation for this mistake that they made.  

Ozawa run against Kan in the Election

Ichiro Ozawa from Democratic Party of Japan said on Thursday that he will run against Prime Minister Naoto Kan in next leader election. According to former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, he said that he will support Ozawa in the next election, so it makes Ozawa run in this competition. Hatoyama is the one who support Naoto Kan until this last Tuesday. He told reporters that he will support Ozawa in the race. Although, the polls shows that Kan ahead of other elector because the public do not want to see a raidly success of Japanese prime ministers. They have a problem with their economy slump. The public show that they are supporting Kan because he has a good foothold in the DPJ. Furthermore, most of a  lawmakers belonging to a group of transport minister Seiji Maehara or Finance Minister, Yoshihiko Noda, who has thrown their support behind Kan in this election.

        In conclusion, I think Kan will win and be a Prime Minister of Japan because most of the Japanese people love him, and he is a good leader that makes people love him. Furthermore, most of lawmakers supported behind Kan that why I think Kan will win this competition.

Japan train Afghan Police in Turkey

The Japanese government will sent a police officer to Turkey to train Afghan police. This project will be carried out in cooperation with Turkish government. They are aim to improve security in Afghanistan but truly, the government of Japan have been looking for ways to continue support Western secret operation in Afghanistan. Japanese police will teach Afghan police about hot to do crime lab, fight drug trafficking and set up koban system and his government hope to start this operation in the early of autumn. In last year, Japanese government promised to give 5 billion dollars to replace the Indian Ocean mission. This plan will help Afghanistan stabilize in finical. Normally, Indonesia is one of the country for training Afghan police. Although, they prepared not good enough to be a head of this project, so Turkey government chosen Japan to train a Afghan police.

   In my opinion, I think this operation will help Afghanistan to protect their people from terrorist, and it also decreases crime in Afghanistan. 

credit :

Japanese Scientist found an Eruption at Fuji

One of the famous place that traveler like to visit is Mount Fuji. This mountain is very famous for a long time because it is the symbol of Japan. You can see a lot of Mt. Fuji picture from many style such as from painting form artiest and photographer. On a clear evening sky, you can see it from Tokyo with the snow on the top of mountain. Although, many people forget that this mountain is the volcano ,and it is still active. In 7th of February there had a meeting of scientists to talk about Mt. Fuji because if it eruption again it will cause a lot of damage to Japan. Mt Fuji don't eruption since 300 years ago. Approximately, their have 10 earth quake occur in 1 year but most of it are to small to be notice by human sense. In last year the seismic active began increasing rapidly. In september, there were 35 small earthquakes that rising to 133 in October, and 144 in December. In the past two month there have unusual frequent from Ring of Fire which in the Pacific Rim. Moreover, two Japanese volcanoes was erupt last year.

     In my opine, I think it is the distraction if Mt. Fuji was erupted because it will cause a lot of damage to Japanese people. Furthermore, it will destroy Japanese economy ,and it also makes million of people homeless.    

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Japan Government push Alternative Energy

Japanese people have to pay higher for electricity bill because it is a government plant to help government generate renewable energy in the next ten years. People will have to paid more for the alternative power source such as mega solar, wind, geothermal, biomass and small hydro power. This plan called "free-in." This energy   is already used in Germany and Spain. The ministry evaluate that this new plan could boost carbon-free electricity to 50,000 megawatts in 10 years after their launch. The government aims to finish this plan in the end of this year.

In conclusion, I think this plan will replace the old energy source and it will help Japan for reduce a lot of Carbon dioxide. Furthermore, it will be the model for another country.

credit :

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Japan pursues Moon Station by 2020

   Many of further spaceship is build base on famous novel like star war and star tract. Some of them are possible to use in real world. The solar sail is one of them.  Japanese is success to build a none pilot spaceship called solar sail. Ikaros solar sail was built by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency confirmed that this ship use solar power to increase the speed of the ship to travel to the space. JAXA engineer used radar to estimate Ikaros speed and owe that it receive from sunlight on the probe's solar sail. The radar show that the force of Ikaros has 1.12 millinewtons. Ikaros weight nearly 700 pound and it has tiny solar film cells built into it. it use this for grater the power.
  In conclusion, I think it will be useful in the further and we will know more about the universe ,and in the further we will use it as transport to travel around the galaxy 

110-million-year-old Frog Skeleton was found in Hyogo

      Now a day, we find many living thing that lived in the past but it have many unknown life in the past that we not know. Many of scientist working to know much and show the world about the true. Japanese researcher found skeleton of the frog. This skeleton was found by "Sasayama group",and the fossil layers show that it was living around 110 million years ago. Furthermore, it is the first fossil that nearly complete.This fossil was discovered while labor was cleaning rocks that brought from digging site. The fossil is three centimeters in length. It is nearly complete except the toes that missing. The researchers will talk in a meeting of the SVP (Society of Vertebrate Paleontology) in Pennylvania. This skeleton was collected in Hyogo Prefecture.

       In my opinion, I think this is the impotent discovery for biological because It will useful in research.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Angelina Jolie in Japan

   At this time no one do not know her name.The skillful actor Angelina Jolie ,Hollywood actress who was success with her career, went to Japan in 28 July on her PR trip with her children. They stayed at center Tokyo hotel and went shopping with her children. The children bought some of Japanese cartoon toy like Ponyo and Totoro. Angelina Jolie said "She in town because she promoted her new movie Salt" which will in theater on 31 July. When she in Tokyo she joined on stage ,and she got bouquet  from Japanese actress named Kuroki Meisa. later Meisa said she is to nerves to meet Hollywood superstar like her.

In conclusion, I think they have a good time while they stayed in Tokyo because it has many shopping mail and Japanese food is very delicious. 

Ponyo Toy which her childern bought

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Kabuki Stars sailed their boat on river

   One of the popular ancient entertainment in japan is Kabuki. It is very popular in Japan because in Kabuki theater every actor wear Japanese mask when they play. Furthermore Kabuki actor had been respects from people and it is a horner for being Kabuki actor.  On 31 May thousands of Japanese from Fukuoka went out to watch Kabuki stars named Sakata Toujuro and his craw sailed their boat in Fukuoka river. They always do this every for celebrate and wish for beautiful spring weather.

   In conclusion, I think Kabuki are still popular because 40,000 people went to Fukuoka to see them sailing the boat to wish for beautiful spring and it makes Fukuoka have a profit from traveler.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Toyota and Mazda agree to share Hybrid system

Today Toyota is the leader of eco-friendly cars called "Toyota Hybrid". In this news Toyota Motor Corporation and Mazda Motor Corporation have agreement that to share Toyota hybrid techology to Mazda. Furthermore, Mazda plans to combine the technology of hybrid system with their new engine called "SKY engine" . Mazda plands to strat sales a hybrid car in Japan by 2013. First,Toyota began sell their eco-friendly cars to response to environmental issues. TMC began sale the first mass producting hybrid can in 1997. An over 2.3 million hybrid car have been delivered to customers over 70 countries.In long term goal, Mazda aims to increase the average fuel economy of Mazda cars in 2015. They want the customers to drive the car that eco-friendly and safety performance. Under their plans, Mazda will enchance he core of their cars including engines, transmission and weight reduction and add more ekectruc device such as hybrid system

In conclusion, I think this new technology will save a lot of fuel and Mazda new engine will be faster and have a high performance.

Credit :

New advertising in train

The Japanese advertisers companies have started the ability to display moving in avertiseing area of the train it called paper advertisments.The new ad first public is a new mascara from Lancome. It use a new tecnology called electronic paper. It allows paper to rewriten repeatedly ,and it makes a image changing.In some Japanese train station are now use this paper to advertise in many ads and it very useful because it can regresh with new images of ads and it also reduce an ads paper ,so it can help the world to stop groble warming. But every new techonoly have problem. The main problem for electronic paper is it cannot creat moving color image. The only image can move is black and white images but the publsh show that people love to watch this new electronic paper than color ads.

    In my opinion, I think this new technology will change the way of advertising in the future because it very creative and it is attractive to people.